Tag Archives: international christian embassy jerusalem

Night 1 at the Feast

The first night at the ICEJ Feast has gone pretty well.  We’re set up with a rented table with the Yerubilee CD’s, anointing oils from Bethlehem, and a Davidic harp on display hopefully to get some sales.  We’re also using a laptop to display the “Wait on the LORD” music video, from the first song on the CD.

We commissioned this gigantic banner to be made – the idea being it would stand behind our table and draw attention.   However, the conference center had a gripe about it blocking the artwork on display on the wall behind our table.  Fortunately the banner is still displayed across the hall from the Yerubilee table. Perhaps tomorrow they’ll let us move our CD table to be here in front of the banner, we’ll see.

Here’s the banner – a quick snapshot in between passing pilgrims – but you get the idea:

The Yerubilee banner

This banner is so beautiful that people are posing in front of it for their own pictures!


So keep us in prayer here in Jerusalem.  About 4,000 pilgrims here for this conference but it’s not easy to get rid of these CD’s when we haven’t been given a performance venue.  It’s quite a job to get just a handful of people to listen to the headphones and decide whether they want a CD or not.

Tomorrow we’ll try and get a pic of the display table.  Many blessings, and thanks for your help and prayer!



“Messianic Roots Reggae

from Jerusalem”
