Vivid, Prophetic Dream

Dream:  Early Morning in Jerusalem’s Old City, 10/25/2009

This morning I had a vivid dream.  The colors were very real and the sensations in my hands and feet were readily felt.  It seems this dream has a prophetic angle to it which may be helpful for the Body of Messiah to know how to prepare spiritually for what is to come.  Therefore, I submit this to the Body for prayer and testing.

Dickens Dream - Robert W. Buss (1804-1875)

Dickens' Dream - Robert W. Buss (1804-1875)

I have left out the scenes which seem to pertain only to myself personally.  What I report here are the scenes which appear to be for the Body.  Following the description of the three scenes, I will give what I believe to be the interpretation I have received from YHWH by the Holy Spirit.

Dream sequence, Scene 1:
At night, as I was sitting inside a car with 2 or 3 others, we saw a big field across the street.  In the dim light I could see lots of men fist-fighting.  It seemed completely unorganized;  there was not two sides, or teams, so to speak.  It was “every man for himself” and the violence was cruel.

I and the others are ducking down inside the car, so as to remain unseen by anyone on the street.  We find out after awhile that the fighting has spread and violence has overcome the entire area, with many dead.

Dream sequence, Scene 2:
I am with one dark brown-skinned man, a friend (which I don’t recognize), and we are inside an empty home that is not ours.  The half-finished cooking pans of cake and brownies seem to show that the home was vacated quickly.  Looking out the window of the house, I see that the occupants of the home also had a business in the strip mall across the street.  Was it the clothing store next to the other clothing store?  No, I see there a sign pointing to the back of the building, behind the clothing stores, and one level down.  I decide to go check it out.

Once there I find an empty store/office space, again with half-finished pans of brownies, cakes, and such (party food).  I taste some – it’s good – sweet, and not stale.  I take some to my friend back at the house.

The friend begins to tell me his life story:  How, even though he is dark-skinned, he is not of African descent, rather a different country.  He came from that country and began work in a coal-mine in Kentucky, later moving up to better jobs and locations.
He wants to continue, but we are interrupted, and we must move on from that house.

Dream sequence, Scene 3:
From the house we are caught up with streams of people toward a group of hallways which turn into stairways going downwards.  The stairways are curved elegantly, but under my feet the steps are very uneven – each step is different height, different depth, or both, and some are not even level.  Nearing the bottom I can see that many stairways are all heading down toward the floor of the same great amphitheater hall.  I have the distinct impression that this is the great hall of the United Nations headquarters.

Eventually a man comes to the podium.  He expresses understanding for the difficult times that everyone is facing, and he welcomes all to sleep there in the amphitheater or the hallways above.  He says that the floors will be hard to sleep on, but it will be warm.  He adds that the UN will pay the cost – about 25 euros per person per night – he seeks to appear as a wonderful benefactor to the people.

Scene 1:

Riots and fighting will start, and quickly escalate, with every man for himself.  The fighting soon covers large areas.

This results in Scene 2:
Houses and businesses will be vacated quickly, with little lead-time, even in the midst of celebration atmosphere (the party food half-eaten is not spoiled).
Offices will be emptied of their equipment, while shops (like clothing stores) are simply abandoned with their goods still hanging.

The friend:
He wishes to distance himself from African Americans for some reason, perhaps because the fighting is linked to race riots pitting African Americans against other Americans.

Coal mining – low pay hard labor – typical of new immigrants who work hard to try to climb the ladder.

He is pictured as a friend because he is not part of the destructive riots tearing the nations apart.

Scene 3:
Streams of people filing into hallways:  these are displaced people from many nations moving toward one ideology or “solution.”
The stairways are elegant and curved because their downward spiral has been engineered.  However, each step downward is very rough.  In other words, the downward spiral of each nation has been scripted; yet, the steps downward are not necessarily planned down to the last details.

As each nation reaches the bottom, we see that they are all together in the same position: in an amphitheater (the world stage) waiting for the main event: the Big Man speaking for the United Nations.

When the man says that the United Nations will provide for all the people, this means, in effect, that the United Nations is taking over the governing and upkeep of all the nations.  The UN is using the engineered chaos (the spiral staircases) to lead each nation to its bottom; all nations are in the same position; and then the UN takes them over and the people and nations are under UN authority.  The UN is seen as a great benefactor to the world.

When the man says that the floors will be hard, he means that life will be difficult, but livable (there will be warmth).  The warmth will be paid for by the UN – thereby adding to the benefactor image he wants to present to the world.

So What?
I do not believe that this dream is a result of my own anxious thoughts –because I honestly have not been feeling worried in the least about world events.  I live in Jerusalem and I see the world’s conflicts centering more and more around my city – yet, my trust in Yeshua is firm and I “fear not for He is with me.”

While I do keep up with world events, I rarely if ever see my natural knowledge “leak”  into my dream life.  According to my years of dreams and dream interpretation experience, I feel that the dream contains strong evidence that its source is not my own emotions or the dark side, but that it comes from the Holy Spirit.  As I prayed this morning, I felt a leading to share this dream publicly – a sense that I have rarely if ever had.

If I am correct in sensing that this dream is from YHWH, and that I am supposed to share it, what does it mean for all of us?

I believe that this dream is an outline of events which will happen in the future.  The reason YHWH wants us to know the outline is so that we will not be tempted to fall into fear.  Fear is of the enemy and we are to have no part of it.  Knowing the future can be a help in fighting fear because when the future comes to pass as foretold, our faith in Y’shua is strengthened – and faith is the antidote to fear.

Remember:  “Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18)

Here’s a segment of this verse in context.  Please read prayerfully and with an open heart:

1 John 4:14 – 5:5 (AENT)

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father has sent his Son, a Redeemer for the world. 15. Whoever confesses Y’shua to be the Son of Elohim, Elohim abides in him and he abides in Elohim.  16. And we have believed and known the love which Elohim has towards us: for Elohim is love, and whoever abides in love, abides in Elohim.  17. And hereby is his love perfected with us; that we may have open countenances in the day of judgement; because as he was, so also are we in this world.  18. In love there is no fear; but perfect love casts out fear; because fear exists in peril, and he that fears is not perfected in love.  19. Let us, therefore, love Elohim; because he has first loved us.  20. And if any one will say, I love Elohim, and yet hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother who is visible, how can he love Elohim who is invisible? 21. And this command we have received form him, that whoever loves Elohim, must love also his brother.

5:1. “Whoever believes that Y’shua is the Mashiyach, is born of Elohim. and whoever loves the begetter, loves him also that is begotten of him. 2. And by this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love Elohim and follow his Commandments.  3. For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his Commandments: and his Commandments are not burdensome.  4. Because, whoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.  5. For who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Y’shua is the Son of Elohim?” (AENT)


  • When Elohim’s love is perfected in us, we are free of fear in the Day of Judgment (v17).
  • He who loves his brother does not participate in rioting and fighting against one another, BUT abides in that brotherly love.
  • He who is abiding in love is abiding in Elohim, and vice-versa.
  • Fear exists in peril (v.18).
  • The solution is to love Elohim (v.19) and to prove it by loving my brother (v.20).
  • Elohim’s command is to love my brother (v.21)
  • We cannot say we love Elohim if we do not keep His Commandments (which are not burdensome): His Commandments are Torah, the word which means “Instruction in Righteousness.” (5:3)
  • We overcome the world thanks to our faith in Yeshua! (5:5)
  • Comments


    5 thoughts on “Vivid, Prophetic Dream

    1. fatheroflove

      Wow sir, I am amazed at the strength in this. I m gratefeul for the lifestyle you have cultivated and look forward to more time with you as a brother and friend in Christ. Recently I have had dreams every night. Though still unsure what is from whom and for waht purpose, but I do know the vividness has been increased.
      The world is chnaging faster day by day. I pray clarity to the body of Christ tat we may have a Hope and Expectation and not fear. I pray the Unity of His Bride will aaken to Love and Righteousness not good vs. Evil for if we think Good will win against Evil we are misunderstood for the Enemy would have us all have good works without any love or faith. I pray a special blessing of protection and joy over Teddy as you are given to a lifestyle of complete surrender in the focal point of our generation and even all generations. May Y-shua bring unsought for Blessings on the four winds to you.

    2. Jonathan David Keene


      Last March I had a very sad vision of major upheaval in our nation. A major breakup of the 50 states, civil war at the Mississippi River. Fire and trouble. I asked the L-rd when would it occur and I sensed the leading of 3 months. I could not believe this soon, so I tested. Later on I heard of David Wilkerson having a terrible vision of the NYC area which would completely disable the Metro area. He thought last year… we are still waiting for the ball to drop.

      We serve a very merciful G-d. Please see the prophetic preaching I have been doing on You Tube. channel "livinlattes" I have 5 websites to speak to the next step after all the mayhem.

      Richest blessings and Shalom


    3. Jonathan David Keene

      This what I got from meditating on the dream:

      My comments in purple

      Dream sequence, Scene 1:

      At night, as I was sitting inside a car with 2 or 3 others, we saw a big field across the street. In the dim light I could see lots of men fist-fighting. It seemed completely unorganized; there was not two sides, or teams, so to speak. It was “every man for himself” and the violence was cruel.

      Ask question to Ted, “what age is he in the dream?” In personal references, “how does he interact with the dream?”
      “Night” would references a “dark” time, end of time or age, Judgment is also evident in “night” reference. “Inside car” could reference your ministry with 2 or 3 others, small but unified. If this is so, then your ministry is in the public way, as in your music group and other outreach ministries.
      You are also “unseen” because you are “ducking” down. Still, you are in a position or “place” to witness these horrible events. The light during the fighting is “dim” would also reveal that because there is “little” light “lots” of men are fighting, foolishly, and with great cruelty. This is not on a small scale.
      This tragedy is in a big field which means it is bigger then a little problem in this city or that region.
      It seemed unorganized but in the end the one world “UN” folks knew this would happen, they were prepared. Divide and conquer.
      The counter offensive to the problems we all see are not organized, it has many subgroups with their own agendas. No real sophistication either by virtue of their use of hand-to-hand combat, not directly connected to national territory or concerns, but more about personal and private concerns. No big fire in the sky stuff as we see in Eze. 38 & 39.

      I and the others are ducking down inside the car, so as to remain unseen by anyone on the street. We find out after awhile that the fighting has spread and violence has overcome the entire area, with many dead.

      Your “ducking down” seems to illustrate that you must duck down to stay safe. If the car reference is “your” current ministry, your ministry is your protection and hides you and your friends and fellow ministers.
      This anarchy you saw in the 1st scene grows to impact the entire world system because we see the “UN” in scene 3. The point of the “UN” is to create basic mayhem that causes much worldwide death.
      What's interesting here for me is that the violence and death is not caused by nuclear or a pandemic sickness.
      I can connect with this dream because my sense of the troubles coming always comes back to territorial or civil conflict, youth are involved, and race is involved in our America!

      Dream sequence, Scene 2:

      I am with one dark brown-skinned man, a friend (which I don’t recognize), and we are inside an empty home that is not ours. The half-finished cooking pans of cake and brownies seem to show that the home was vacated quickly. Looking out the window of the house, I see that the occupants of the home also had a business in the strip mall across the street. Was it the clothing store next to the other clothing store? No, I see there a sign pointing to the back of the building, behind the clothing stores, and one level down. I decide to go check it out.

      empty home = empty life? You are aware of world conflict in that you are “checking” it out.
      You are able to live in the “excess” of others who had empty godless lives, your travels and your ministry must bring you to this unknown but friendly man with darker skin. This is a unique connection for you and very unusual because it is the only “one”. You are a world focused guy anyway!
      Appearances, things look good, what is presented is normal and of a good quality, but behind the “normal” setting forth of things, is nothing, underneath at the core, is nothing, but half completed work, that could have been good, but didn't have the “chance” of being finished due to the economics of their life and their decisions. The violence in scene 1 caused the problems and calamity, which in turn, affected their small business and in turn their livelihood.
      We can relate to what has transpired in our lives over the last 2 years.
      The real problems are always underneath, under the surface of what people see on the outside.

      Once there I find an empty store/office space, again with half-finished pans of brownies, cakes, and such (party food).  I taste some – it’s good – sweet, and not stale. I take some to my friend back at the house.

      Things were good and could have stayed good but were cut short quickly due to national and worldwide economic problems which are connected to the unrest mentioned in the 1st scene. Violence always destroys things. Selfishness is at the core, it seems, since there is no collaboration among groups. World pride and domination are behind all of the meaning of this dream.

      The friend begins to tell me his life story: How, even though he is dark-skinned, he is not of African descent, rather a different country. He came from that country and began work in a coal-mine in Kentucky, later moving up to better jobs and locations.
 He wants to continue, but we are interrupted, and we must move on from that house.

      House always seems to speak of “our life” so his “life” as he once knew it, has been radically impacted by the violence and darkness you first encountered. We and you must move on from that “life”. No choice in the matter.
      This is what my family and I have been doing for the last 2 years, its almost like the L-rd has been training me in something that many will have to face in the near future.
      Since he is not American, yet he is here with us, visiting our troubled situation. he is looking for a better life,his hard work doesn't pay off, leads to a transient lifestyle, he too, must be from a troubled area?

      Dream sequence, Scene 3:

      From the house we are caught up with streams of people toward a group of hallways which turn into stairways going downwards. The stairways are curved elegantly, but under my feet the steps are very uneven – each step is different height, different depth, or both, and some are not even level. Nearing the bottom I can see that many stairways are all heading down toward the floor of the same great amphitheater hall. I have the distinct impression that this is the great hall of the United Nations headquarters.

      From the house our life together, what brought us together leads us to the massive structure with winding staircases. “Elegantly” would reference education and pomp and show, all to bring you to them verses Yah. The L-rd came to make the crooked things straight, but this place and your passage through it make it a uniquely sad and precarious experience.
      Uneven would represent you having to great care to navigate these kinds of hallways and stairs. Is this not true Teddy?
      Pertains to world government which is great and pompous. It is organized. people have to take great care to enter and go down. All roads within this structure lead to the same place – trouble. Bondage and Slavery.

      Eventually a man comes to the podium. He expresses understanding for the difficult times that everyone is facing, and he welcomes all to sleep there in the amphitheater or the hallways above. He says that the floors will be hard to sleep on, but it will be warm. He adds that the UN will pay the cost – about 25 euros per person per night – he seeks to appear as a wonderful benefactor to the people.

      Very socialistic regime. They care about nothing but making you fall asleep in their arms, sadly, into the arms of death. Using a podium also refers to the tongue and the media. He will charm the world. Sound familiar?
      They control energy and resources, in that it is why at least it is “warm”. They offer no “real comfort” to anyone. They seem to have the world population under control, through the words of “one” man. They are able to sanitize peoples and bring them together.
      They are able to interpret the situation in their way, because of desperate situation, people are forced to go with the deal they are offering. They are bringing all peoples together into their way of thinking and and their structure. This fits directly with Rev. 17-18, a careful reading will show this reality very clearly.
      This leader and speaker is speaking with forked tongue!

    4. Beverly

      Thankyou, Your scripture is on target. I in America am praying for Israel. My heart is with you. May the Lord bless you. Beverly


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