Tag Archives: end times

Are Earthquakes Signs from God?

“And there will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea. and upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man who will come in the clouds with much power and great glory. But when these things begin to happen, have courage and lift up your heads, because your salvation draws near.” (Luke 21:25-28 AENT).

This might seem like freaky stuff here.  But there’s hope: Here, Yeshua the Messiah has foretold that we can know what is happening  certain signs.  Of course, only followers and disciples of Yeshua would bother to pay any attention to His words.  But people have been benefiting from Yeshua’s words for many centuries.

For more info about signs in the moon, check the article here.

For more info about why Yeshua is the Messiah, go here and here and here and…

The increase in earthquakes over the past 50 years or so is just the beginning.  I believe that there are some very good reasons why they will increase, and it’s all under control of YHWH the Creator who said way in advance that He will do these things.  The following passage describes what happens in the near future when people figure out that earthquakes are coming:

“And the kings of the earth, and the nobles, and the captains of thousands, and the rich men, and the men of valor, and every servant and free man hid themselves in caves, and in the clefts of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the clefts, ‘Fall over us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of their wrath is come; and who is able to stand?'” (Revelation 6:15-17 AENT).

Can the Creator make earthquakes?  Well, if He’s the Creator, the answer is self-evident: He can do whatever he pleases.  If your curiosity is piqued, leave a message or find some way to start your search for the Truth.  I recommend the Bible, from cover to cover.  Pick up a great one here and here.

May the Creator bless your path with light.



Video: Full Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon, Bullseye) over Israel, 2011-June-15: Latter stage

Full article here:
With my video camera on a tripod, I was able to zoom in ok.  The definition is not that clear, would have been much better with a telescope.  However, it’s still good for observing the quick transition as the moon moves out of the Earth’s shadow.  Too bad my battery was flat because prior to this I had a great view of the red-colored bullseye eclipse right from my neighborhood in Samaria (West Bank).  Hopefully someone else got some good shots.  I had one brother email me a pic, his dad had a great view from Brisbane, Australia.  That pic is up at our music page at Yerubilee.com here.  Check over there for my article on Bible prophecy and “the moon turning to blood.”


This video starts with a few short clips of the latter stages of the eclipse, followed by an inexplicable period of darkness, and then at about 0:27 the clips appear with a little bit of commentary.


Also, starting at about 0:16 that clip I imported into the computer while fast-forwarding – to speed up the change in the moon.  You can see how fast the clouds are speeding by.
The eclipse Started around 8pm June 15 2011 and finished up its cycle at about 1 am June 16 2011.  This video was shot between midnight and 1 am.  I hope somebody enjoys this sort of thing.  Check the article for more info at  here.




Teddy Chadwick,


JTOD.org & Yerubilee.com

“Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem”


“Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
in Israel and in the Nations”






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Two Yerubilee CD’s out now:
“The Green CD” and “Arise and Shine”
Messianic Roots Reggae from Jerusalem






“Lifting up the Name of Yeshua
in Israel and in the Nations”