Tag Archives: YAH

Shabbat Countdown with Yerubilee

Shabbat Countdown 1

The Earth has operated on a seven-day cycle since the beginning of time.

Nothing in the Bible has changed that.

Nothing engraved in stone has changed that.

Throughout time, there have always been those who have counted the days since the previous Shabbat.  They have counted the days left until the upcoming Shabbat.

They have ceased from their labors, as YAH ceased from His labors, from sunset on the sixth day until sunset at the end of the seventh day.

In world history, exactly zero cultures have established anything other than a seven-day week.  Except for China, with an experimental 10-day week which didn’t work out so well.  Apparently, the factory workers were all worn out, and productivity decreased.

Why the universal historical acceptance of the seven-day week?  Why not eight?  Or five?

How interesting, that ancient cultures never even considered changing YAH’s command. YHWH has Blessed and Set Apart (made Kadosh; made Holy) the Seventh Day for all generations, for all tribes, and for all time (Genesis/B’resheet 2:3).

Join the ancient tradition of counting the days.  Everyone is welcome.  What will you choose?

Hebrews 12:1: Two Ways to Improve Your Race

“Therefore let us also, who have all these witnesses surrounding us like clouds, cast from us all encumbrances and sin which is always prepared for us; and let us run with patience the race that is appointed for us.” (Hebrews 12:1 AENT pg.424).

Notice here how we are encouraged to remove ourselves not only from sin, but ALSO from “encumbrances.”

Encumbrances must be somehow different from “sin:”  Why else would the writer distinguish the two using the separator “and?”  Therefore, we can improve our Race by removing (1) sin and (2) encumbrances from our lives.  Here we will focus on #2. However, the NT definition of sin may surprise you: Check here and here.

Back to “encumbrances:”  Are there things in your life which slow down your race, even if they’re not firmly in the “sin” category? Take a moment and prayerfully consider this.

Chocolate may not qualify as sin, but it could be an encumbrance; caffeine and alcohol are arguably in this same category.  With what reading material do we fill our minds?  Which TV shows, movies, music do we allow past the gates of our eyes & ears?  Which relationships hinder our walk, and which friends exhort us higher?  Our expenditures of time, money, and resources: Are these an encumbrance to our race?  It is up to the individual to decide for themselves.

Consider the witnesses who surround us who are mentioned in the previous chapter:  Hebrews 11.  Consider the shortness of this present life compared with eternity.  Are we really running our race with patience, efficiency, with a goal to actually win?

Don’t you know that they who run in the stadium, run all of them; yet it is one who gains the victory.  You run so as to attain.  25. For everyone who engages in the contest restrains his desires in everything. And they run to obtain a crown that perishes; but we, one that does not perish.  26. I therefore so run, not as for something unknown; and I so struggle, not as struggling against air;  27. But I subdue my body, and reduce it to servitude; lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should despise myself.  (1 Corinthians 9:24-27 AENT pg.514.)

May the Messiah Y’shua bless your race.


Do you find the translation of these NT verses to be attractive?  They have been translated into English directly from the Aramaic–the language spoken by Messiah Y’shua.  More info at the link below:

P.S.  The Aramaic-speaking Syrian church has always known without a doubt that the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews was Paul the Apostle.  This fact was only debated in the West, never in the East.

Yeshua Removes Virus From Baby

This week in our home group in Rosh haAyin, one of the women shared about how she and Teddy had prayed for her infant daughter’s healing a few days ago, and that out prayer was very strong (“chazak” in Hebrew). We agreed in prayer that the virus had no right being in the baby’s body, and that the sickness must leave in Yeshua’s name.

The very next day the diarrhea had completely stopped! It had been so bad, it threatened her fluid levels.

Glory to Yeshua!!

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