Tag Archives: Aramaic

2 Corinthians 4:8-11 (AENT)

Interesting how we see in this Scripture that our problems and struggles are actually part of being just like Messiah.  These “attacks” are an expression of how we are counted dead to the flesh so that we may live within Messiah.

This is found clearly in the final few sentences, including the phrase, “for Y’shua’s sake…”

It is for His sake that we must endure these trials.


And the result?  “The life of Y’shua (will) be manifested in our mortal body.”  That’s the amazing part.  In suffering, even in death, Messiah’s life is manifested – not just in the future, but NOW, in our current mortal bodies.

Now that’s encouraging!

Do you agree or disagree, are you encouraged or does this discourage you somehow?  Scribble your thoughts in the comments.

And if you’d like your very own copy of this amazing New Testament translation called the AENT, head on over to JTOD.org and place your order now.

Have a great day in Messiah Y’shua!


2 Corinthians 4:6-7 from the Aramaic

Because Elohim, who commanded the light to arise from darkness, has Himself shined in our hearts, that we might be illuminated with the knowledge of the glory of Elohim on the face of Y’shua the Mashiyach.*  7. But we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that the excellence of the power might be from Elohim, and not from us.  (2 Cor. 4:6-7 AENT pg. 542)

* A.G. Roth: This verse strengthens the idea that the glory of Elohim is “reflected” in Y’shua’s face.

Aramaic English New Testament

1 John 4:17-18 from the Aramaic Sources

And hereby is his love perfected with us; that we may have open countenances in the day of judgment; because as he was, so also are we in this world.  18. In love there is no fear; but perfect love casts out fear; because fear exists in peril, and he that fears* is not perfected in love.
(1 John 4:17-18 AENT pg. 658)

* A.G. Roth: This refers to the fear of man, the fear of loss and every other form of fear, except the Fear of YHWH.  The Fear of YHWH helps to perfect the love of YHWH.  A young child is taught about boundaries to protect and sustain the child’s welfare.  The more understanding a child has of their boundaries and environment, the more likely they will not fall into danger.  A child does not have the knowledge of their parent; neither does mankind have all the knowledge that YHWH has.  When YHWH establishes righteous boundaries for mankind, it is only a fool who oversteps them.

Aramaic English New Testament

Definition: Sin

And everyone that practices sin, perpetrates iniquity; for all sin is iniquity. (1 John 3:4 AENT pg. 654).

“…all sin is iniquity.”  Sin and iniquity are equivalent according to the “New Testament,” more aptly called the  Renewed Covenant.  But what is iniquity?

The dictionary defines iniquity as “lack of justice or righteousness; wickedness; injustice.”  The page at Dictionary.com includes a usage example from the Torah (Exodus 34:6-7).  Iniquity (lack of righteousness) can therefore be described as “Lawlessness,” which is “Torah-lessness” for those who consider the Bible to be Divinely inspired by the Creator.

You therefore, my beloved, as you know (these things) beforehand, guard yourselves or else, by going after the error of the Torahless, you fall from your steadfastness.  (2 Peter 3:17 AENT pg.458).

While sin is sin, meaning that sin is Torahlessness, without compromise, keep in mind that there is a difference between the occasional lapse vs. a lifestyle of practicing sin:

Everyone that is born of Elohim does not practice sin because his seed is in him and he cannot sin because he is born of Elohim. (1 John 3:9 AENT pg.654)

Secondly, our Father in Heaven has always been merciful towards those who repent:

YHWH, YHWH El, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7).

Does your Sword need sharpening? Pick up your copy of the Aramaic NT today:

Aramaic English New Testament

Hebrews 12:1: Two Ways to Improve Your Race

“Therefore let us also, who have all these witnesses surrounding us like clouds, cast from us all encumbrances and sin which is always prepared for us; and let us run with patience the race that is appointed for us.” (Hebrews 12:1 AENT pg.424).

Notice here how we are encouraged to remove ourselves not only from sin, but ALSO from “encumbrances.”

Encumbrances must be somehow different from “sin:”  Why else would the writer distinguish the two using the separator “and?”  Therefore, we can improve our Race by removing (1) sin and (2) encumbrances from our lives.  Here we will focus on #2. However, the NT definition of sin may surprise you: Check here and here.

Back to “encumbrances:”  Are there things in your life which slow down your race, even if they’re not firmly in the “sin” category? Take a moment and prayerfully consider this.

Chocolate may not qualify as sin, but it could be an encumbrance; caffeine and alcohol are arguably in this same category.  With what reading material do we fill our minds?  Which TV shows, movies, music do we allow past the gates of our eyes & ears?  Which relationships hinder our walk, and which friends exhort us higher?  Our expenditures of time, money, and resources: Are these an encumbrance to our race?  It is up to the individual to decide for themselves.

Consider the witnesses who surround us who are mentioned in the previous chapter:  Hebrews 11.  Consider the shortness of this present life compared with eternity.  Are we really running our race with patience, efficiency, with a goal to actually win?

Don’t you know that they who run in the stadium, run all of them; yet it is one who gains the victory.  You run so as to attain.  25. For everyone who engages in the contest restrains his desires in everything. And they run to obtain a crown that perishes; but we, one that does not perish.  26. I therefore so run, not as for something unknown; and I so struggle, not as struggling against air;  27. But I subdue my body, and reduce it to servitude; lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should despise myself.  (1 Corinthians 9:24-27 AENT pg.514.)

May the Messiah Y’shua bless your race.


Do you find the translation of these NT verses to be attractive?  They have been translated into English directly from the Aramaic–the language spoken by Messiah Y’shua.  More info at the link below:

P.S.  The Aramaic-speaking Syrian church has always known without a doubt that the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews was Paul the Apostle.  This fact was only debated in the West, never in the East.

Aramaic NT Verse Comparison: Lamsa vs. AENT

Closeup: Yochanan (John) Chapter 1, found on pg. 232 in the AENT.
Q:  “Is there a difference between the Lamsa translation and the AENT?”


A:  The Aramaic English New Testament (AENT) is founded upon the translation by George Lamsa, as well as translations by Paul Younan, and Etheridge, and Murdock, with significant improvements upon each of these translations.    Further, the AENT translation also consulted the Khabouris Manuscript (disc. 1954) which was not done by these other four translations.


In addition, the AENT is special, since the Aramaic is printed side-by-side with the English.  To the best of my knowledge, there is not a Lamsa book in diglot form, with both languages.  The reason this is important is for proof that the Aramaic has been translated correctly.


Here, I can give several examples:


Philippians 2:11 Lamsa:
“And every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God his Father.


Philippians 2:11 AENT pg. 592:
“And that every tongue should confess that Master YHWH is Y’shua Mashiyach[1] to the glory of Elohim his Father.”


We can see here that Lamsa followed the Greek tradition, writing “Jesus Christ is Lord” instead of following closely what the Aramaic actually says.  The Greek has been adequately expressed in English by the King James, aka Authorized Version:


“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:11 AV)


Does the Aramaic actually say that “Master YHWH is Y’shua Mashiyach…?”  Let’s check:


וכֻל לֶשָן נַודֶּא דּמָריָא הו יֶשֻוע משִיחָא לשֻבחָא דַּעלָהָא אַבֻוהי


So we see that in this verse, the AENT has more accurately rendered the Aramaic into English than the Lamsa translation — and the difference is powerful.


1 Corinthians 12:3 Lamsa:
“Therefore I want you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed; and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Spirit.”


1 Corinthians 12:3 AENT pg.522:
“I therefore explain to you, that there is no man that speaks by the Spirit of Elohim, who says that Y’shua is accursed: neither can a man say that Master YHWH is Y’shua, except by the  Ruach haKodesh.[2]


By contrast, we see that the Aramaic is in fact worded the way the AENT claims:


מֶטֻל הָנָא מַודַּע אנָא לכֻון דּלַיתּ אנָש דַּברֻוחָא דַּאלָהָא ממַלֶל וָאמַר דַּאמַר דַּחרֶם הֻו יֶשֻוע  וָאפלָא אנָא מֶשכַּח למִאמַר דּמָריָא הֻו יֶשֻוע אֶלָא אֶן בּרֻוחָא דּקוּודשָא

In places where the AENT English differs from the English found in prior translations, the reasons are given in the AENT footnotes.

Order the AENT (and Yerubilee music) from our site:

Blessings in Messiah,

Teddy Chadwick,



JTOD.org & Yerubilee.com


Footnotes below are as found in the Aramaic English New Testament by Andrew Gabriel Roth, 3rd & 4th Edition.

[1] Please see Alef Tav; Divinity Passages; YHWH is Y’shua Mashiyach, in Appendix.



[2] Simple and beautiful, yet perhaps the most powerful statement of belief in all of Rav Shaul’s letters.  A declaration of such magnitude as this most certainly demands original Hebrew and Aramaic to comprehend the fullness of such a bold statement and revelation.


Philippians 3:20-21 from Aramaic Source Texts

But our concern is with heaven and from thence we expect our Life Giver, our Master, Y’shua the Mashiyach who will change the body of our abasement, that it may have the likeness of the body of his glory according to his great power, whereby all things are made subject to him. (Phil. 3:20-21 AENT)

This is a powerful, encouraging Word.  Our concern is not with earthly things, but Kingdom things and Kingdom issues.  Our earthly physical body will be changed in the end – we will be transformed – puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?  This is the GREAT HOPE.
Backing up a little to verse 17, let’s get more of the context:

Be like me, my Brothers; and contemplate them who walk after the pattern you have seen in us.  For there are many who walk otherwise; of whom I have often told you, and I now tell you with weeping that they are adversaries of the stake of the Mashiyach;  whose end is destruction; whose Elohim is their belly and their glory their shame; whose thoughts are on things of the earth. (Phil. 3:17-19 AENT)

Is your Elohim your belly?  Or rather, is your Elohim the King of kings and the Master of masters?  

Your Elohim, personally speaking, is whom you serve; it is whom you strive to please.  

If your number one priority is your own comfort, your own provision for yourself, even your own diet preferences (“I know the Word says don’t eat such-and-such, but I’ll pick my theologies according to how I want to live; all that old stuff is done away with, right?”) then the answer for you is clear.  If your choices are made according to the ways of the world (“looking out for Number One = mySELF”), then your Elohim is your own belly.  
If, on the other hand, you care to “be like Paul,” and to “contemplate them who walk after the pattern you have seen in us,” then you will not serve your belly; and you will not be “adversaries of the stake (cross) of the Mashiyach.”  
Paul said “be like me” in these other places as well:


1 Cor 4:16  (and my ways v.17) 
1 Cor 11:1,2
1Thess 4:1-7, 11
2 Tim 3:10
So, what is Paul’s “way of life?”
For direct evidence, check out these passages:
Acts 20:16
Acts 21:20-24
Acts 24:14
Acts 25:8
Acts 26:20
Blessings to you, in the name of Y’shua the Messiah.

 Aramaic English New Testament:

“…the NT Time Bomb!” – Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, Chaplain to the US Senate.

A new translation from qualified Eastern manuscripts

With amazing insights!


Available at:






Aramaic English New Testament, Closeup



Here’s a close-up of the Aramaic English New Testament:  As you can see, the Aramaic text from the original Eastern Peshitta is on the right-hand page, and the matching English translation is on the facing page to the left.  מריא being the Aramaic cognate for the Tetragrammaton is represented in English as “Master YHWH,” and you can see for yourself that Holy Spirit, or Ruach haKodesh is truly רוחא דּקודשָא on the Aramaic side, the equivalent of the Hebrew רוח הקודש.  The precious name of the Messiah “Yeshua” or “Y’shua” is seen in the upper-right hand side of this snapshot from Acts 2 as ישוע which is spelled the same in either Hebrew or Aramaic.


Many other names are transliterated in the English to sound as they are in Hebrew/Aramaic, such as “Shlichim” (Apostles, or “Sent-Out Ones”) and “Urishlim” (Yerushalayim/Jerusalem).


The Aramaic is written in “Hebrew Block Letters,” or Ashurri Script, in the current 4th Edition and also the previous 3rd Edition.  In earlier editions, the Aramaic was printed in the Estrangelo font.  In actuality, both Alep-beets originate from Aramaic, which lent alep-beets to Hebrew and Arabic as well.


This Bible is available at JTOD.org/AENT.cfm and the proceeds help the work of Yerubilee in Israel.  







“Messianic Roots Reggae

from Jerusalem”


Some Pics from the Tour in Singapore

This page also viewable at http://www.Yerubilee.com

The tour in Singapore was amazing. Many doors opened for teaching, preaching, worship, Aramaic English New Testaments, and the harps.

Here are a few pictures from the trip:


Worship with the harp at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore.


Preaching at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore.


Singapore, the “Garden City,” is so tropical they even have flowers inside the airport.


Sunrise at a golf resort where I stayed in Singapore.

“Messianic Roots Reggae
from Jerusalem”

Headed Back to Israel

Singapore has been awesome. The people are warm and the food is
fantastic (mostly). Father has blessed me thru this nation.

I found doors opening for me left and right for preaching, teaching,
sharing about the Aramaic English New Testament and my Davidic 10
string harp. YHWH is doing great things in Singapore.

Just getting on the plane now and heading back to our projects in
Israel. Please keep the prayer support going.

Many Blessings!


“Gospel Reggae from Israel”

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